Bellevue Market Report
Between August 2023 and August 2024, the median single-family home price in Bellevue (37221) increased 6% to $620,000. The median price in Nashville overall increased 3% over the same time period.
In August of 2024, Bellevue had 3.04 months of inventory, while Nashville overall had 4.65 months of inventory. Inventory of less than five months indicates a seller's market.
Our monthly market update showcases everything you need to know about local real estate trends over the last month.
Listing Metrics
New Listings
Under Contract
Active Listings
Closed Sales
Market Metrics
Avg Sale Price
Average Days
on Market
Months of Inventory
Median Sale Price
What Sold for the Median Price?
917 Holgate Court
Sale Price $620,000
2788 sq ft - Built 2012
Avondale Park
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